How to hire cleaners for your Airbnb

Apr 15, 2024

If you own an Airbnb, then you know that finding a good cleaner is a pain. Here are the 7 things you can do to find good, reliable cleaners for:

  1. Go where the cleaners are (Facebook groups, AVRCA, Turno, local meetups, indeed, etc.). Incredible cleaners won’t magically appear in your inbox. You need to go out and find them. This can be as easy as searching for a FB group entitled “Airbnb owners in (your city)”. Post that you are looking for a cleaner for your Airbnb and your DMs will be flooded with responses
  2. BUT how do you know who to hire? You should plan on interviewing them. A quick 15-minute phone call should be more than enough. Here are some helpful questions when interviewing:
    1. How long have you been cleaning STRs?
    2. How many properties do you clean?
    3. Can you share references and links to the Airbnbs you clean?
  3. Call their references and check the Airbnb listings
    • If the references have nothing but amazing things to say, move on. If the cleanliness rating on the Airbnb listing is less than a 4.9, move on
  4. Ask for proof of insurance
    • All cleaners should carry general liability insurance to protect themselves in case of damages. Things break. And when they do, you want to have proof that your cleaner is covered
  5. Ask for a background check
    • Cleaners will receive a master door code to your property that allows them to access it whenever they want. You need to be sure the person you are working with has a clean record
  6. Do a test clean
    • Before signing anything official, have them do a clean or two (not a same-day turn) to get a feel for how they operate. Inspect the property, if there are any major mistakes, move on. There are plenty of incredible cleaners out there that will gladly take over
  7. Make an offer
    • If the financials make sense, bring them onto your team but always have 1-2 backups in case schedules conflict or things don’t end up working out

If you follow these 7 steps, you should easily be able to source cleaners for your Airbnb. If you are looking for AVRCA certified cleaners who have take our cleaning certification program and passed our exam, go to and fill in your information. Once there is an AVRCA-certified cleaner in your area, we'll reach out and connect you at no cost!